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School Closings and Delays

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Discovery Academy follows it's own weather-related closing schedule, not Toledo Public or Washington Local Schools.  A member of our transportation company will contact the school leader by 5:30 AM if they feel the roads are not safe for buses.  Based on that information, we will make the decision on what is best for Discovery Academy students in terms of whether we need to delay or close.

Please tune into WTOL 11, 13 ABC, NBC 24, or Fox News Toledo in the morning and look for Discovery Academy on the scrolling message at the bottom of the screen.  We will also be using our auto-dialer system to make calls to all parents, notifying them of any delays or closings, so please make sure you have an updated number on file with the office.  To update your number, please call the office at 419-214-3266.

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2740 W. Central Ave
Toledo, Ohio 43606
T: 419.214.3266

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Managed by The Leona Group
Sponsored by The Office of School Sponsorship
Accredited by Cognia


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Discovery Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: ​Julieta Flowers, School Leader,

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